Petr Halbrštát (Mgr.)

Law regulates almost every aspect of our lives. The role of an attorney is to help the client get their bearings in the often-confusing tangle of legal regulations, and to provide them with a solution. 

After almost 20 years of legal practice, I still enjoy being a good counsellor, guide and a partner to my clients whilst applying my experience and knowledge gained practicing in the Czech Republic and abroad. 

Legal instinct, thoroughness, and detailed insight into various fields of our clientsˈ operations enable me to find the right solutions. Ones that are adjacent to our clientsˈ business needs, enforceable, understandable, and pragmatic. We have managed to embody such approach to our clientsˈ needs since the beginning of HVH LEGALˈs existence, and it has been an integral part of HVH LEGALˈs DNA for more than a decade.